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Dictionnaire testimonial et mémoriel

Words of testimony and of memory

Mots du témoignage et de la mémoire
Woorden van getuigenis en van herinnering
p. 186
Cet article est une traduction de :
Mots du témoignage et de la mémoire [fr]

Texte intégral

1Because researchers, professors and professionals working in the arts, culture or news are more and more often needing to use words from the fields of testimony and of memory, Testimony between history and memory has set itself the objective of gathering them into a dictionary, thus opening up this experimental space. One word can take on different meanings depending on the language it is used or circulates in. This is why certain terms of the dictionary will be approached in a multilinguistic, or even in a multicultural way.

2This project will be realized in two stages. Each term from an index in progress will be presented twice. First in the form of short notices in each edition of the review, then inviting developments and a critical debate, with multiple voices, on a website that will start running from the Autumn 2014. We will associate to their short version, voluntarily incomplete, a few book titles, however not claiming to be exhaustive.

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Référence papier

« Words of testimony and of memory »Témoigner. Entre histoire et mémoire, 118 | 2014, 186.

Référence électronique

« Words of testimony and of memory »Témoigner. Entre histoire et mémoire [En ligne], 118 | 2014, mis en ligne le 01 octobre 2015, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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